chid hearing loss

Why is it not a good idea to ignore your child’s hearing loss?


The partial inability to hear sound in one or both ears is Hearing Loss. Hearing loss condition is generally the same as adults, but the only thing that needs to bear in mind is: Adults get prone to hearing loss when they are in adolescence, but not that necessary. However, in children, it occurs at [...]

Why is it not a good idea to ignore your child’s hearing loss? 2024-08-29T13:24:43+01:00

Hearing Loss in Children an Overview


Overview: A child’s quality of life and development vitally depends on hearing. Hearing loss in children is basically an impairment that affects a child’s ability to develop communication, language, and social skills, and having this impairment in children can have a profound effect on their education as well. Parents sometimes make this mistake of thinking [...]

Hearing Loss in Children an Overview 2023-10-19T03:17:40+01:00

Hearing Loss in Children – What are the possible Signs?


Hearing loss or in other words hearing impairment is a little or total inability to hear the surroundings. And don't ever assume that hearing loss is only limited to adults, but can occur to the child too. The infants also have hearing issues right after they are born, and begin to experience the symptoms as [...]

Hearing Loss in Children – What are the possible Signs? 2024-08-29T12:05:48+01:00

Don’t Ever Ignore If Your Child has A Hearing Loss?


Look, having a Hearing Loss is not only common to older citizens but also small children too and it is not that can be taken lightly. Because children are often dealt with pain and discomfort when things come to their ear health and sometimes they can't able to express what going inside their ears. As [...]

Don’t Ever Ignore If Your Child has A Hearing Loss? 2023-10-19T03:10:30+01:00